Welcome to zeroperks, where sharing matters.
I build projects for customers and share my personal projects here as open source. In addition to that, I also write about my recovery over the ACL tear.
Turn conversations into applications and get customers all around the world. Replace manual tasks with automation.
My experience over the ACL tear in my left knee. Explaining my findings, struggles, surgery, and recovery.
Getting seamless experience across any device is the key to any applications success. Simple solution over complex ideas.
Bored with look alike websites built with Wix and Shopify. We deliver ideas on the topics you care about most straight to you.
As I learn, I start building projects out of it. Such projects I make it publicaly available through github.
I provide a wide range of advanced technologies. Whether you need a simple tool or a complex enterprise solution, I am here to help.
Stuff I've Worked On
Working for corporations is my priority, but in my leisure time I love to build some things for myself or freelance.

Self Project
EPolling Projections
For the very first time an online election survey has been conducted at constituency level. I created a secure portal where users can vote anonymously. Used firebase to enabling push notifications and notify users while revealing in the results.
- Vue
- NodeJS
- Express
- Firebase

Self Project
Game Time
Song quiz, over 30 random songs from Kollywood where two teams can compete. It was developed by myself over a night when we went for a summer vacation. Series of image pops up as clues and teams have to guess the song name from it. There is a scoreboard which decides who wins at last.
- Vue
- NodeJS
- Express

Coding Crocodiles
A team of engineers grouped to start a new venture called Coding Crocodiles. Helped them put their ideas into a website. Designed Logo, template, and developed it through php. If needed in future it can be enhanced with Wordpress.

Bharatanatyam Arangetram Invite
Crafted a Bharatanatyam Arangetram invitation system that seamlessly blends traditional details with modern features. It includes comprehensive information on the Shishya, Guru, Accompanists, and Program, enhanced by integrated RSVP capabilities for efficient guest management. The addition of a digital guest book allows for the collection of blessings and feedback, creating a memorable and insightful celebration of this cultural event.
- Vue
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB
Other Projects of Mine
Some of my seriously fun projects.