
I decided to recreate a polling booth kind of a setup in online for the 2021 TN and Puducherry elections for people who live abroad and cannot travel.

Initial thought process was to collect election id and let the user choose their constitution and vote for their favorite party. Later I discontinued collecting IDs as people might think the website might use their information for anonymous reasons and many wouldn't have their ID's handy.

Since the time frame was very short, I took my favorite tech stack vue, firebase, mySQL, node.js, express, and express-session. Gathered all constitutions and major parties that are contesting in this election through Wikipedia and other sources, finally uploaded all the data to mySQL.

All the user information's was kept anonymous. Used firebase to notify the users during the result announcement. Steps involved to cast the vote were to

  1. Choose the State
  2. Choose the Constitution
  3. Cast the Vote
  4. Success page where email can be submitted to notify the results (optional)
  5. There were other pages like landing, about, terms/privacy, and contact.




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