About Me

Hello! I am Krishnakumar Rajendran and I love creating things that render on the internet. My interest in web development started back in 2013 when I decided to build an alumni website for my batch which taught me a lot more about HTML & CSS.

Other than coding I love spending time with my 7 year old, riding a bicycle and am a big fan of Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Today I have had the privilege of working at a global investment management firm, a startup, and at an international insuretech. And today I am focused on building beautiful interfaces that are reliable, scalable and cloud based multi platform digital applications for a variety of clients.

Here are a few technologies I have been working with:

  • Javascript
  • Vue
  • SCSS
  • Node.js
  • GraphQL
  • Wordpress

Experiment Projects

Some of my seriously fun projects.


Practice websocket communication


Demo Chat app with websocket


an experiment


This webpage was developed using JAVA MVC Framework with MySQL as the database. This project shows the coffeeshops by tracking the current location of the user or by entering any of the following details zipcode, city, name of the shop.


A platform built through nodejs, headless cms, express to showcase my profile along with my projects and write about my learnings, experiences.


Project with angular and node.